WIAS Midterm Reflection Course

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Coordinator registrations
20 May 2025 08:45 14:00 WIAS 5 / 15 Apply

Course description

This half-day midway course is highly recommended for WIAS PhD candidates that are at the end of their second year or the begin of their third year. Around this midway point some PhDs lose some of their initial motivation. You are facing real challenges; you want to overcome them and regain your motivation to complete your PhD. To help you do this:

-  You will be taking part in a workshop to help to cope with anxiety and fear of failure.

-  We will continue the day with a motivational speaker to inspire you and to (re)kindle your motivation for science.

-  You will be discussing the challenges you are facing

-  We will conclude the day with drinks and informal discussions to continue to strengthen PhD relationships.


08:45 Welcome and Introduction

09:00 Interactive workshop on fear of failure

10:30 Break

10:45 ‘Ted Talk’ by an animal scientist

11:30 Discussion groups – PhD challenges

12:30 Lunch

General Information

Target Group WIAS PhD candidates (end second year or begin third year
Course level General, postgraduate
Group size A minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 participants
Course durationon Half day (given twice per year)
Language English
Credit points 0.3 ECTS
Teaching methods Lecture and working groups, plenary
In-person Wageningen campus


This course is free of charge for all WIAS PhD candidates.

Cancellation condition

Until four weeks before the start of the course, you can cancel free of charge. After this date you will be charged with the €100


For more information please contact wias@wur.nl.