WIAS Introductory Course for new PhD candidates

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Location Coordinator registrations
19 May 2025 08:45 To be announced WIAS 20 / 25 Apply

Course description

This compulsory one-day introductory course is intended for all PhD candidates enrolled with the Graduate School WIAS. It aims to prepare you for your PhD journey. During this course we will provide you with some tools that could help you to successfully manage your PhD project and education. In addition, the activities planned will facilitate you in building a strong network with your fellow PhD candidates. The training will be in the form lectures, group work, plenary discussions, and social events.

To maximally benefit from this course, we strongly advise you register for the next available course after the start of your PhD (within the first six months of the start of your PhD). This is an off-campus course.

The course program will be sent to you before the start of the course.

General Information

Target Group

WIAS PhD candidates

Course level

General, postgraduate

Group size

A minimum of 20 and a maximum of 25 participants

Course duration

One day. Given twice per year

Prior knowledge

Be familiar with PhD documents on the WIAS website

Homework/ self- study

Familiarization with information for PhDs on the WUR and WIAS website



Credit points

 0.3 ECTS

Name lecturers

Nicole Rodenburg, Sylvia Brugman, Michiel Kleerebezem, Johan Schrama and a WAPS council representative

Teaching methods

Lectures and working groups


To be announced



Topics to be covered:

- Information about the PhD traject

- PhD and Supervisor Communication

- Project and Time Management

- Managing your Expectations as a PhD candidate

- Managing Project Stakeholders 



This course is free of charge for all WIAS PhD candidates (this includes lunch and dinner).

Cancellation condition

Until four weeks before the start of the course, you can cancel free of charge. After this date you will be charged with the €150.


For more information please contact wias@wur.nl.