Modeling and optimization with GAMS
We present how to use GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) for modeling and solving optimization problems. GAMS is a modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization, designed for modeling linear, nonlinear and mixed integer optimization problems. The course comes with its own example model library and includes many hands-on exercises throughout the curriculum.
The topics covered include
• the foundations of mathematical programming, modeling, and optimization algorithms
• working with the GAMS IDE and/or GAMS Studio
• map decision problems in science to the basic objects of optimization models: indices, data, variables, constraints, and objective functions
• how to analyze and understand existing models
• where to look for more information
WIAS/PE&RC course Statistics for Data Science
In many areas of science new tools and strategies are developed to measure multiple features at subjects and objects of interest. Typical for these new types of data is that they occur in large volumes, are high-dimensional, or are hierarchically structured. For example, in genetics (humans, animals, plants) data can be available at the levels of DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites and all kinds of phenotypes. These new data require new techniques for analysis and visualization which are provided by a new science that combines elements of statistics and machine learning: Data Science.
WIAS Course: Fundaments of animal monitoring systems: animal tracking and data analysis
In the age of information, we have access to an unprecedented level of details of the animal life on Earth. The possibilities of exploration and investigation of our planet seem, at times, limitless. At the same time the increasing biodiversity crisis calls for more data and more detailed investigation on the relationships between animal behaviour and movement within the environment. Understanding how animals move across landscapes, how the landscape (i.e. environment) changes over time, and the intersection between those topics will allow us to solve long-standing puzzles in ecology.
To address these fundamental questions on animal movement and environmental change, researchers have been using a plethora of technologies to gather relevant data. In this course, attendees will learn the fundaments of various animal tracking and remote sensing techniques and how to process and to analyse the resulting large datasets.
WIAS Course: Simulation of breeding programs with the Modular Breeding Program Simulator (MoBPS)
Breeding programs aim at improving the genetic characteristics of livestock and plant populations. As breeding is affected by a variety of interdependent factors, the analysis of the effect of certain breeding actions and the optimization of a breeding program are highly complex tasks. Although quantitative genetic theory can give approximations for simple breeding schemes, this typically is not sufficient for todays’ complex breeding programs and thus requires stochastic simulations with software like MoBPS for extended analysis.
Laboratory Animal Science - Specific Course on Wildlife
This course is intended for researchers and professionals who are currently working with, or are planning to work with, wildlife in an experimental setting.
The course meets the standards for the species-specific education and training requirements for persons designing projects and procedures for wildlife.
WIAS Midterm Reflection Course
This one-day midway course is highly recommended for WIAS PhD candidates that are at the end of their second year and the begin of their third year. Around this midway point some PhDs lose some of their initial motivation. You are facing real challenges; you want to overcome them and regain your motivation to complete your PhD.
The Future of Tropical Livestock Systems
Globally, tropical livestock production systems need to adapt to climate change, growing demand for animal source food, and resource scarcity. Transitions to sustainable future systems are guided by a wide variety of drivers and demands, be they economic (such as profitability and farmer livelihoods), socio-political (such as inclusion of smallholders and food safety), or environmental (such as nutrient cycling and avoiding feed-food competition). Understanding these drivers and the nature of system transitions is essential for the design of meaningful interventions. Especially as transitions depend on the values, roles, priorities, and commitments of stakeholders involved.
The fundamentals of animal emotion
Course on the fundamentals of animal emotion
To acquire in-depth knowledge about defining and assessing emotion in non-verbal species.
Learning goals
Become familiar with the meaning of the terms emotion, mood, affect and feeling
Understand the role of consciousness in emotion and where this arose in evolution
Acquire an overview of behavioural, physiological and cognitive methods used to assess animal emotion, including in-depth understanding of some of the most common and best developed methods
Acquire in-depth knowledge of physiological and brain correlates of emotion
Understand the concept of human and animal happiness
Discuss important developments in the field of animal emotion
Entrance level
Good understanding of methods to assess animal behaviour and welfare, good understanding of animal welfare issues in developed countries, and basic understanding of animal physiology and brain structures.
WIAS/PE&RC Course Design of Experiments
The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the statistical principles underlying experimentation. A proper set-up of an experiment is of utmost importance to be able to draw statistically sound conclusions.
The role of sample size, randomization and the reduction of unwanted noise factors will be highlighted. The way errors propagate will be discussed. The difference between experimental unit and measurement units and consequences for statistical analysis will be discussed.
Examples of basic designs (CRD, RCBD, BIBD), but also more advanced designs will be discussed. Lectures will be interchanged with computer practicals, using R. The final half day will be devoted to discussion of the own experimental designs of the participants.
WIAS Introduction course on Personal Effectiveness for your PhD
This course in an introductory course covering different skills that are necessary for successful pursuit of your PhD.
WIAS Course The Final Touch
The General Introduction and General Discussion are single-author chapters in the thesis which plays an important role in the final assessment of the thesis. In this course, a one-day training is offered for the writing of the General Introduction and the General Discussion of a PhD thesis. Apart from providing general guidelines, we will discuss strong and weak points of examples of a General Introduction and a General Discussion. The examples have to be studied before the course takes place.
Laboratory Animal Science - Species Specific Course on Fish
The objective of this course is to present basic and appropriate biology, care, health and management of fish, recognition of pain, suffering and distress in these animals and minimally invasive procedures to be applied on these animals.
Genetics of resilience and trade-offs
Within the framework of the EU project RUMIGEN (https://www.rumigen.eu/), we offer a 5-day course on “Genetics of resilience and trade-offs” with hands-on training, at Wageningen Campus from 28 October-3 November.
The course will review state-of-the-art theory and application of the concepts of resilience, robustness and trade-offs, with a focus on their implementation in breeding programs.
Genotype by environment interaction, uniformity and resilience
The course is focused on the concepts of genotype by environment interaction (G x E) and heritable variability in performance. Theory will be lectured and practical computer exercises will allow the participants to bring the theory into practice.
Course on characterization, management and exploitation of genomic diversity in animals
Wageningen University & Research organizes a 5-day interactive course from 9 to 13 December 2019, in the framework of the EU Horizon 2020 project IMAGE (Innovative Management of Animal Genetic Resources).
The course consists of lectures during which various topics related to genomic diversity are addressed and of group work during which the participants will apply novel and exciting methods to their own genomic data.
Computer vison for animal scientists: tracking and pose estimation
During the Image Analysis course, the foundation was laid for classical and modern computer vision techniques. During this continuation course we will go deeper into two image analysis techniques which are relevant for animal scientists: tracking and pose estimation.
WIAS Introductory Course for new PhD candidates
WIAS Introductory Course for new PhD candidates
Interdisciplinary Skills Training
Future generations face unprecedented challenges; climate change, resource depletion, socio-economic and health inequalities. To address these challenges researchers will need to push us outside their disciplinary comfort zones to think differently about problems and possibly solutions. In other words, researchers have to work together in inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations. This new way of working requires a different skill set than those taught in disciplinary courses. Therefore, in this training participants will learn and experience the different phases of these complex collaborations. The course is designed for participants to go through the different phases of these complex collaborations: disciplinary grounding, perspective taking, finding common ground and integration. We combine both theory and practise to train collaborative skills.
Scientific Diving – Theoretical Course
Scientific Diving is a crucial research tool for marine scientists to observe and study biodiversity and functioning of marine or aquatic environments. In this course, you will learn how to design, plan and safely participate in a scientific diving project, as well as get acquainted with traditional and novel methods and tools applied underwater and how to use these scientific diving methods to obtain high quality scientific data.
WIAS course Societal Impact of your Research
The course is meant for PhD-students, post-doc researchers and any other scientists who want to get tips and tricks for communicating their research to non-colleagues including journalists, companies, farmers, policymakers, politicians, NGOs or students.